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The following devotional is a transformational story that occurred 15 years ago: The light came on in my husband’s mind first as the two of us sat side by side listening at a ministry orientation. On the handout we both held on our laps, he scrawled, “I feel the call!” circling the words then nudging me to glance down at it. I knew his heart was tender and as nice as that was, I needed to know for myself as well. The speaker kept talking, clicking through a PowerPoint presentation. A few minutes went by when all of a sudden, the light came on in my mind, almost like someone bursting in at the door I hadn’t quite decided to open. It was as though a switch had been flipped and it caught my breath with suddenness and clarity. Immediately, I reached for my pen, responding with a written testimony that I felt it too. That silent agreement in partnership was radical and vital for future ministry the two of us would enter. It dissolved fear, hesitancy, presuppos...

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