
The past few weeks we have been covered in an enormous wave of prayer. Many of you left encouraging comments on my last post, letting me know you are praying. I soaked up every word! So many others have reached out with texts and calls. We have been added to church prayer pages or prayer chains. We are deeply humbled and thankful. Our immediate community continues to check on us and bring meals. Our family has rushed to our aid upon request. We know Brian needs prayer for healing; we both need prayer for strength, prayer for courage to face the fear that goes hand in hand with cancer. Our kids need to look to the heart of Christ the same way we do, trusting that our God is always in control. 

This week I have been surprised to see that most of the symptoms my husband was seriously struggling with improve or dissipate. I don't know why I sometimes overlook the power of prayer. I'm not trying to, it's just my old nature to look at what's happening and get caught up in it all. There was a whole laundry list of strange, new, and difficult symptoms I observed day and night. It is heartbreaking to watch your loved one suffer. It's hard to watch a physically strong, capable, super positive man suffer through a health issue that seems to have sprung all of its own accord. 

From the start, I applied myself to sooth and encourage healing naturally. I still do, just not as hyper vigilantly with the dissipation of his ailments. I don't think the root cause has just disappeared, nor do I think we are totally fine now. It just reminds me that there is something else at work here that I might be forgetting. It's a key element at play and I need to give it some attention. 

The effectual, fervent, persevering prayer coming from a child of God/the church equals great spiritual power. The biblical usage of effectual and fervent is to be operative, be at work, put forth power, to aid one, to effect, to display one's activity, show oneself operative, to do, be mighty in. That almost sounds like hero work, doesn't it? To me, on this end, it is hero work, and I want to say THANK YOU! 

Specific things to pray for: 

Tomorrow, September 16 we go in for round two of out-patient chemo. This is a "downgrade" in chemo- a result of the molecular testing that showed the cancer is not as aggressive as they thought in the beginning. Pray that his body reacts better this time around and continues to heal. Pray he does not catch any infection during the week following. 



  1. Faith and Brian, please know that we are praying for the two of you and your precious family. Praying that you feel the peace that only God can give. Praying for your medical team and decisions that will be made.

  2. Your family is in our continual prayers. We are thankful for your example of faith and love for our God. Thank you for being an encouragement even while you are going through this.

  3. Continuing to pray for you all!!

  4. Am praying for you all, God’s will be done, but, Brian has so much more to do here, but that’s only my opinion.

  5. Praying Faith! For your whole family!

  6. Faith, Dan and I have been praying daily . We get updates from Tom and Anna. We love you all so much. Please know we will pray all the way. We have great faith in Our Great Physician. Love to you all. 🙏🏻

  7. The 5th chemo next Wednesday for me! Here I am praying and cheering for Bro.Brian and your family! God will show us something great! :)

  8. God has his hands in all❗️Been thinking and praying for all. I pray for all your family members as you go throughout this. I ask no infections.Blessings to your children. 🙏💙🦋🤗 Rebecca

  9. Praising the Lord with you, Faith, for ever step towards healing on every level. Much love. And big hugs!💗

  10. Bill and Lucille Zuidema are praying for Bryan,you and the family

  11. Praying daily for you all! Sending you so much love

  12. Just now seeing this! Funny how just a couple of weeks ago I was picturing your husband preaching while we were at Lvbc. I said a prayer at the time. Didn’t know why, but I did know that God does not bring to mind those from our past or brief history without a reason. The only reason I could figure was you needed prayer. Will continue ie to pray. ❤️

  13. Praying much for you all, and praising God for how He has already been answering prayer. Sending hugs from Cambodia - Rachel

  14. Faith, we are praying with you. 💜

  15. We just learned of your great prayer needs as we returned to Korea. The church here shared, and are fervently praying for you all. We love you guys, and will be holding you up in prayers! May God be glorified in all!

  16. Praying for you all in Oregon.

  17. Praying for Brian, you and your whole family: for strength, endurance, wisdom, provisions, healing for Brian, your health, Faith, and that of your children as well and even a measure of joy in these difficult times. Melvin & Sandy

  18. I’m thankful it’s not as aggressive as originally thought. Praying for healing, strength, and comfort. Thankful that even during this trial, you are still a blessing to many. ❤️

  19. Keeping you in our prayers always! ❤️

  20. Faith would you please pass along that Coach Darren along with the rest of CrossFit Ohana have his back and will be continually be putting Brian as well as you and the rest of the family in our thoughts and prayers. #ohanastrong

  21. We join with so many others to support you, Brian and your family with prayers to our Heavenly Father. Donnie and Marion Savella from Vandenberg and Ohana


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