Who would have thought- Part 2

Who would have thought? Great title for today's post. I have intentionally missed three weeks of blogging and posting on social media due to absorbing and adjusting our lives around a new health crisis my family and I entered. This time it's my husband's health that got hit. Needless to say, we both were hit hard at the news. I'll never forget looking into each other's eyes after he hung up the phone three weeks ago. We sat at the dining room table, utterly speechless, eyes rimmed red and flooding with tears. Seventeen years of doing life together, supporting and learning to grow a family together. Seventeen years for better, and now for worse. 

It's a bit jolting to hear the term "malignant" when you are prepared to hear "benign" or any less weighty term describing what the doctor is seeing. It's a bit odd to get hit when you know you are in your prime. 

Can I just say that from the start, the presence of the Lord has been real. From the start, questioning why or doubting the goodness of God has not been in the forefront of our minds. 

Instead, verses have come alive as they so often do in trials. 

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." Phil. 1:6 

"Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound (overflow, to exceed, abundant, excel more than) in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." Rom. 15:13 

"But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 5:10

Those verses wouldn't and couldn't take hold if I were unsure of my salvation, unsure if I truly belonged in the family of God. What a relief to know we don't just trust a founder of a religious book like all the other religious books out there. What a source of strength to know we don't walk alone. 

P. S. If you have read this far and would like to leave a comment or word of encouragement, I would appreciate if you kept them here in the blog, and not back on Facebook or Instagram. Just a simple preference I have right now. Thank you and God bless!


  1. Sorry to hear this news, but thank you for sharing your faithfulness and Bible verses. My wife and I will be praying for you and your family. -M.S.

  2. We are praying for your family. You are a blessing to a lot of people....Lina Metzger

  3. I’m so sorry to hear this. Please let us know if there’s anything I can do. Praying for you all.

  4. Faith, I'm sorry to read of Brian's struggles. Praying for you all.

  5. Faith!! We’re praying with you. Thanks for the update…. Can’t wait for the clean bill of health … thanks for being a source of strength and encouragement for us all!!

    God is in the miracle making business!

    Love - The Olives

  6. Faith- you and Brian huge roll models to me, and seeing y’all go through this- even though it’s tough- is so encouraging. Since the beginning, watching the way y’all have trusted God and his perfect plan is awesome and a huge testimony of his work in y’all’s lives. Love you guys and praying for y’all every day ❤️ God is doing great things through you guys and I’m glad I get to be a witness to his greatness and sovereignty thru y’all.

  7. We serve a Great God. And yours and Brian’s testimony have shown this to the world. The Keele’s are praying for health comfort and guidance.

  8. Faith, let Brian know he is in our prayers and all the family. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. Faith I have been fervently praying every step of the way! And I will continue to!! Your extended family love Chris Warner

  10. Our thoughts and prayers are for you and your family. If there is one thing I have learned in 56 years of wedded bliss, the trials will be there but so will the blessings and sometimes the blessings are because of the trials! Cling to your faith and each other! I have a dear friend in South Africa who is a true prayer warrior and will put you all on her prayer circle. Can’t hurt to storm heaven from every corner of this earth!

  11. Praying for you all daily. So many hugs. -Becky H

  12. Praying for you and your sweet family. We love you

  13. Praying for your dear family❤️ I know the thoughts that flood your mind when you hear something like this. I know the feeling of being scared and then the calm assurance that God loves you and is there with you all the way. You are all in my prayers. -lease reach out if you need anything❤️

    1. I didn’t know that my comment would be anonymous. My comment was about the thoughts that flood your mind when you hear something like this. Please reach out to me if you need anything or want to talk. I have been through this. Love your family. ❤️DeeDee Kuffner

  14. Praying for your family!

  15. Melinda Bernal (Wands)September 8, 2022 at 7:49 PM

    In times like these, I thank the Lord for a form foundation in Him. Prayers for peace, comfort, and wisdom during this season of life.

  16. Jeff and I will be praying for you all

  17. Oh Faith I am so sorry to read about this struggle. Praying for you guys as you navigate this. Praying for God’s healing hand on Brian. Praying for you and your strength as a wife, mother, and support partner.

  18. I will be praying for you, Brian and the kids, as well as for wisdom regarding treatment.

  19. So very sorry to read this! Prayers for you and your family. May the Lord provide you with strength, wisdom, and comfort.

  20. One thing I know….God is faithful beyond description. Praying for you all.

  21. Faith, I will be praying for continued peace. And I surely know that you are exactly the wife of faith your husband will find comfort with in Christ.

  22. We have been praying for you guys and believing for complete healing. We love you all!

  23. John and Janna HenleySeptember 9, 2022 at 5:15 AM

    We love you and know that through God, ALL things are possible!

  24. Hey we will keep on praying. Thank you for the update love y’all so much.

  25. Praying for the Dea Family! -Miguel

  26. My prayers are with you and your family Ms Faith. God is good and nothing is impossible through Him.

  27. Holding you close to my heart and praying fervently for a positive outcome.

  28. Praying for you and your sweet family

  29. Goodness, what a lot to process through! Praying you feel the strong arms of our Father holding y’all as you walk this path! Hugs, Stephanie H.

  30. Faith, we will be praying for you both as you go thru this journey. Much love 💞🙏🏻

  31. Am so sorry to hear this news, know you are all in my prayers for a complete recovery. Please continue your blog.

  32. Faith, thank you for sharing your encouragements and struggles. You and Brian are amazing role models! We will be praying for Brian, you, and your family. So thankful that God is in control, and His will - will be done. I pray that hearts will be touched and folks saved through this struggle and your example.

  33. We are sorry to hear this news. Y'all will be in our prayers! ❤️ The Begleys

  34. Praying for both of you and the entire family during this difficult time.

  35. Dear Faith: Melvin and I will be praying for you and Brian. We are so sorry to hear this report. May the Lord strenghthen you for all that lies ahead. We understand what you are going through. We can both testify that God will bring you through it with victory. We love you. Melvin and Sandy Morris

  36. Sandy Morris Oh, Faith, I am so sorry to hear this news. Just saw this today. Melvin and I will certainly be praying for you. I know you know that I have been through this, although my Jack was quite a bit younger. Not sure what kind of malignancy you all are facing but none are good. Praying for complete healing and recovery.
    Melvin & Sandy

  37. Faith and Brian- Amanda Carnes shared with me the news about Brian's cancer. I was so shocked to hear this. I know you both have a tremendous amount of faith. God has you in the palm if His hands. I'm praying for a complete healing in His will and timing. Please know that you are being prayed for continuously. We miss you at Calvary.

    1. Sorry I forgot to mention that the previous comment was from Tammy Blankenship.


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