half-way through already!

Tomorrow marks our half-way point through cancer treatment. We have made it through this far (hopefully the hardest part) and now have a fresh bucket load of stories to tell from the journey. If you are reading this blog for the first time, you can find several previous posts covering our family's cancer journey. 

Brian was telling some of the stories to friends the other day and I thought, "I'll be hearing these for a while." He gets it from his dad. Good storytellers. In all of life, we get to think about what is happening and figure out how, when, and to whom we want to tell or showcase it. Kids remind me in their way of doing life, that it is one thing we have a strong human need for.  

Because it's half-way, we go in for his PET scan. Tomorrow we don't expect to learn anything, but tomorrow is still a big deal, a day we've been anticipating. We anticipate hearing good news that the cancer has receded, has minimized, has disappeared. We anticipate hearing things look way better than the first scans in August. We anticipate sharing the great news and rejoicing together with friends and family. We know we don't deserve better than others, but we know God is in this and has carried us through. 

The Lord brought to mind a good verse. Who knows, you may need it too for whatever you are facing: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 


  1. Praying for great results tomorrow. Sending you lots of love

  2. Praying all the way.

  3. Will be praying for good, uplifting news after doctor’s visit 💕🙏


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