
I look forward to the day when we are no longer ruled by the clocks on our phones, walls, wrists. Even if they are all powered off, our bodies still seem to be ruled by a sense of time. The brain alerts that it's time to wake up; time to go to the bathroom; tummies rumble to be fed because it's that time to eat again; time for a shower; time to do this or that for self and any others living and breathing under our care. Trying to get through traffic for appointments and given short open windows of time for bookings can be extremely frustrating. 

Just as the preacher describes so poetically in Ecclesiastes, there is a time for everything, and right now, I'm trying to get this blog written and published. The time I intended was yesterday afternoon, but my body was saying, no! Then the idea of having a good, healthy dinner for my family was motivating me to get in the kitchen to prepare and turn that idea into reality. After saying goodnight to kids fairly early, I weighed priorities in my mind, choosing quality time with my husband over writing time. That's all great, but again, the reminder that ugh- I just want to accomplish my other goals! 

Reading through the book of Revelation gives a sense of a time outside of this time we are stuck in. It's pretty epic and sometimes confusing reading things described in heaven and on earth in a time we do not know yet. What I like to hone my attention in on are verses like, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." That encompasses all past, present, and future. It reminds me why I'm even here.  


  1. It’s amazing to think that a almighty God wants to have a personal relationship with us. We occupy here for Him, but at the same time He gives us pleasure in His creation every day, with relationships and simple beauty that surrounds us. It’s hard to fathom how He the creator of all truly wants to be personal with each and every one of us every moment if we just let Him. ♥️

  2. Praying for victory in Jesus as you try to keep up. Rest. Even Jesus went up the mountain to rest and pray. Love you in Christ.

  3. We were challenged just yesterday at a wedding to make “time” “quality time” for those we love. As a family we decided to try and do this more. So Faith don’t beat yourself up when you decide to spend TIME with your family! Thanks for sharing.


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