scams & fears are not welcome here

This past week fear tried to hijack my peace again. It's like one of those sneaky phone, email, or internet scams. You've got to recognize each one before giving away your credit card or personal information. Delete, do not click, do not agree, get it out of your life. But we all know how scams keep showing up here and there, over and over, in more deceitful ways. Ugh! I hate it especially when they're trying to sound like a friend. 

Fear is not my friend either! It tactfully sneaks into my thoughts, in scary circumstances that are out of my control, even in some words spoken by well-meaning people. Thank God we have what the Bible calls "weapons of our warfare" and they are not "carnal" or weak as in manmade. They are "mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" and can be used to cast down every fearful imagination along with everything else that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (everything good, true; wisdom). 2 Corinthians 16:4-5

After my husband and I returned from Vegas, (see my last post "you've changed") I had to take him to the ER the same evening. He was dealing with some symptoms that we had to get checked out. That night bad weather came in as well, making me very uncomfortable driving the distance to and from the hospital. The ER ruled out some things, and then he tested positive for Covid. We had to cancel a Christmas party, and he didn't go in to work at all. He had to go back to the ER for something else as well as having to personally pick up his meds on base. So many things out of our control, but also compiled enough to cause me to complain at our great American medical system, to fret, to worry, all the natural human tendencies. Our kid's behaviors were also reminding us they needed serious attention, ie. correction in love. During family time, my husband brought in his good humor about his triple “C” condition: Covid, Cancer, & a Cough. He was also neutropenic, which is scary for a chemo patient. It doesn't matter that it's common. If you or a loved one are in that state, it's unnerving. 

Circumstances sure do have a way of ushering in that sneaky, unwanted thing called fear. The Devil uses fear to rob me of my peace and joy. It is the basis for so much negativity both internally and externally. I had to work at recognizing it and take myself back to God's Word, to my Lord. He graciously carried all of us through. Today Brian was able to don his uniform and go back in to his job. We are thankful for the healing and strength God has given him. Also super happy that the kids and I did not catch the virus or come down with any type of illness. This week marks my husband's last day of treatment. We are praying for wisdom as we merge into this next post chemo phase. 


  1. This is Shari - this so touched me in my life right now. Praying for you as you continue trusting and glorifying God. God is sovereign and He knows the beginning from the end. Blessings and joy as you celebrate Christmas 🎄 Love and gentle hugs! ❤️

  2. That’s the thing- Fear! That’s worse than the cancer I think. I am praying for you to conquer the fear you have! I just finished the radiation treatment last week! (30 times!) Nobody told me about the skin burn so I wasn’t prepared for this.. and it was so hurtful!! But it’s getting better b/c of the prayers of many good people around me. Your family is in our prayers in EBC Korea!

  3. Absolutely wonderful! I love how you recognize and are very self-aware of when fear is wanting to attach itself to your spirit and your heart and mind are so strong that you choose Love (God’s love) every time. Your strength has only shown itself through and through with all of life’s happening, and it’s just incredible to witness and read about! Thank you for being so transparent and vulnerable- it’s so noble and beautiful. As for your children, i love that you are choosing correction of/through love. I wish more parents would see the benefits of that type of parenting…. May God continue to bless you and hold you tight with his warmth and Love!


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