by His good hand

When I was growing up, one of the most common family prayer requests I remember was dual in nature. Prior to every trip either to or from the mission field, we would begin praying for a house and a vehicle. Both would need to be large or spacious enough for our ever-growing family. Had my parents invested in a home at any time early in the years we began traveling, they would have realized rather quickly that it was simply not going to work for the life God had called them to. That life was one not only of family growth, but of dependence on their Heavenly Father to provide, to sustain. They had to continually learn to walk by faith. 

There have been so many similarities and parallels between that and the military life. The most common being frequent moves and praying for the next house at the next duty station. Instead of praying for a vehicle, we pray for God to lead us to a good church. So the questioning begins and like a pre-recorded tape, we ask ourselves, "What will God provide this time? Will we live on or off base; buy or rent? What church family will we attach ourselves to, for growth and service?" House & Church. Those are the two big categories, and they are important to us. 

It doesn't begin and end with prayer. It takes work to house hunt. It takes work to look up churches and ask people what they know. My dad did that kind of work behind the scenes. His mom, my beloved Granny, would often help State-side when we were going that direction. She was extremely supportive in such practical ways. 

I'm thankful I get to live out that life of faith, much the same way I was raised. Are you living in such a way that your kids and those closest to you can see your dependence on our Heavenly Father? Do you find it difficult to bring sight-unseen practical but necessary needs to Him? Because He already knows, He sees what lies just ahead. He is overjoyed to provide in such a way that we can know it was by His good hand. 

~Matthew 6:24-34


  1. This is a deep truth! Thank you for sharing your life experiences of faith


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