
I like the word "flourish," don't you? 

It's in a Psalm I've been meditating on. 

"The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and fourishing; To show that the Lord is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him." Ps. 92:12-15

I want that- to still bring forth fruit; to be flourishing. 

Last night the hubs and I went on a double date with a couple who are headed toward tying the knot. It felt like we were looking at our younger selves in the reflection of their eyes. Upper twenties, in love- thankful and relieved to have finally met the one- the soulmate for life. But I sit on the other side of their future. They have no idea what their matrimonial future holds, should they proceed to the blissful day of exchanging vows. They can imagine both good and hard times, of course. They can understand life's bed of roses sometimes pricks with its hidden thorns. Who knows each of our futures but God anyway? The best question is, can we trust Him? 

To be able to flourish all through the good and crazy seasons of life, not even knowing if you can make it to the other side sometimes, is quite remarkable. It's also fair to say that it can appear impossible. I remember when our social worker used that word "impossible." We told her we would need help getting our kid's case expedited so that we could finalize adoption before our next move (PCS). Her response reminded us of who she did not know was really in charge. 

Why does God want His people to flourish, whether a single person or two united in marriage, whether a family, a church, or a nation? It says it at the end of those verses. To simply show that the Lord is upright; that He is never unjust, wrong, wicked in what He creates or allows to happen. And that He is our personal, supersized Rock. Thank you, Jesus, for making it possible for me to truly grow and flourish as a woman, a wife, a mom, a daughter, sister, friend, teacher, writer, church member, neighbor, etcetera. 


  1. This is Shari. Beautifully written. I've found a word to meditate on - flourish. Only in the protection of God our Father through faith in Jesus Christ can we flourish. Miss you! ❤️


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