fragility of life

Today my dad had a couple of light procedures done on his heart, and I admit it made me a little nervous. The fragility of life keeps on creeping up, showcasing its hold on mortal man. It is not a thing of its own, this fragility of life, but sources an unmatched efficiency by the decree God set way back at the birth of creation. 

"And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Genesis 2:16-17

Life wasn't supposed to be fragile, back in the beginning. It was complete and good. Everything God saw was good. He wanted us to know how he felt gazing upon his creation. Of course, I love reading how the first thing he pointed out as not good, was "that the man should be alone." He proceeded to fix that part so that we would all see and understand how our Creator enjoys providing above and beyond our wildest dreams. 

My dad came through the procedures well and went home. My sister texted a couple of pictures of him, and I breathed a prayer of gratitude. I love seeing him, wish I could lean in today and let his arms envelope me as he always has. He's been that kind of Daddy my whole life. His enormous hands enclose my own. His gaze reflects the approval, the love, and understanding of our Father in heaven. 

The fragility of life came knocking, but by the grace of God, turned away, leaving us alone. 


  1. Great truths of our mortality. God knows! ❤️


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