It's March!

In less than two weeks my hubby goes in for his scans to see if the cancer is in remission. Although I am happy to tell those concerned that remission is what the doctor expects, I know it cannot be where I anchor my hope. The oncologist is great, but he could be way off. (I doubt that, based on how well Brian is doing.) Still, cancer cells are sneaky and complex. No matter what, I want to be able to say like the three young men facing the fiery furnace, 

"Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us... But if not, be it known... that we will not serve thy gods." Daniel 3:17-18

Nebuchadnezzar had built a fiery furnace to instill great fear and compliance from his subjects. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew they could kowtow just as everyone else, even if to avoid the horrible, immediate death penalty. They unashamedly stated that they would not comply or give in to the spirit of fear. They testified of the great power of their God and were willing to anchor their hope and trust in Him even though I'm pretty sure they had never seen Him deliver anyone from a blazing furnace! He had not saved them from captivity earlier in their lives. They had every reason to doubt the power and authority, even the existence of God. Incredulously, they firmly testified that they were okay if He didn't see fit to physically save them that day. 

Cancer is scary and something no one wants to hear after their checkups. But like every other scary thing in this world, it should not be what has the most power over our hearts as born-again Christians. Obviously, cancer gives way to fear no matter how strong you are, but it should be something we bring to the Lord time and time again. It shouldn't be a lingering fear that controls us. It helps me to speak and write about it as well. 


  1. Another great insight to the heart of a strong Christian lady. Will be praying that the results come back negative. To God be the glory, great things He continues to do in the lives of His children. ❤️

  2. Oops - forgot to tell you that this is Shari responding 😊


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