Remarkable Stories

I keep thinking back to those young people taken captive by the powerful king Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter one. There were others besides Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. We enjoy reading of these remarkable four after they are somewhat settled, living and working directly for the king in ancient Babylon. Children's books are alive with images of their heroic endeavors. Preachers and teachers tell of how we can apply that same bold character for the cause of Christ. 

But what was going on in the hearts of those men before they took a stand in the face of fear and adversity? Where did their character stem from; the character they displayed in their new home - a secular, idol worshipping, totalitarian kingdom? And what did that season of their lives look like as the Babylonian Army besieged their homeland? It must have looked quite bleak, to say the least. 

I would imagine those months or perhaps years were an incredible time of upheaval and stress for them and the entire nation of Israel. I've always breezed through those entry verses, as though it's not as important as the good stuff in the rest of the chapter and book. Surely, God has something for us in that short narration. 

Just as I have no idea what lies around life's corner, so I must allow my Father to do His best work in me right now, in this present season. The fire of testing and walking into deeper waters may come sooner than expected, as much as it's no fun to think about. 

In my next post, I hope to share more personal updates. For now, I'm trusting that the same God who gave Daniel a story to write is the same God who has something remarkable to write in my life and in yours. 


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