Easter and Biopsies

Easter is somehow closely tied with egg hunts. I don't mind egg hunts. I take my kids to them and enjoy the community involvement. Eggs symbolize new life, so I like that. I've been able to hold several newborn babies recently, and I love celebrating with the families. There is a lot of death and bad news in our world, so Easter comes as a warm welcome in our home. I love reflections on Christ's Resurrection. 

Jesus said He is the resurrection and the life. He also said no one comes to the Father outside of Him. He is the Most High God who came to us in human form. "Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in Me." John 14 

It amazes me how much of a distorted view of God there is out there. We watched a family movie last night and though it was a quasi-faith-based movie, sure enough, they avoided using the name Jesus. Why? There is power in His name, in His words, the proof of His resurrection. On Easter Sunday you'll find us in church, singing and celebrating the Gospel message, welcoming visitors. (egg hunt afterwards!) 

Once we move past Easter though, my hubby will be going in for a needed biopsy. Please pray with us that they are successful with getting the samples needed to confirm following treatment. We were told there are spots behind his sternum which are most likely cancerous (85% sure) but I'm praying they are 100% sure before proceeding with treatment. I have been holding on to that 15% and acknowledging that our God is able to remove this "cup" and the whole treatment plan gets cancelled. At the same time, we recognize the providence of God in all of this. The treatment is based off new studies that have been completed as of last summer. The lymphoma specialist in Denver is incredible and it is a pleasure to be under her guidance. It is no mistake that we live in such close proximity to some of the best medical care in the world. Also, we are not under financial strain with this whole process. Several years back Brian took a step of faith; we were both in agreement to see if he was supposed to separate from the service; but God graciously made it very clear that we were to stay put and continue up the rank ladder. 

Even with great medical care, I juice and make at least half of our weekly meals entirely plant based. I have lamented the fact that we do not live in California simply for the pleasure of growing food all year at my little community garden, as well as shopping through every season at an awesome family farm. God is still good and taking care of us. In the mornings with my kids, I've been reading aloud a World War Two novel highlighting God's providence to the Ten Boom family in Holland. It's helped with our perspective and gratitude! We are richly well-cared-for! 

At the end of the day, we are super positive and dependent on the One who holds all things, and by whom all things consist. (Colossians 1:17) 

Happy Easter! 


  1. Happy Easter Faith❤️

  2. Your family is in our continual prayers! Thank you for your example of faithfulness and love to our God in these times.

  3. Continuing to uphold you all in prayer every step of the way! Chris Warner


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