high maintenance

This past week Brian has told me a couple of times that he has tried to be a "low-maintenance" husband for me, but with all the medical appointments and procedures surrounding his condition, he's felt like a "high-maintenance" husband. Isn't that sweet that he would even voice this inner struggle? I guess it also has to do with being healthy and self-sustaining to all of a sudden, needing help and major, prolonged intervention. 

He had his much-anticipated biopsy, which finished up a lot quicker than expected. The doctor called me while Brian was slowly waking up, happy to report that it went well and he got good samples. He said we'd have to wait several days for the pathology report. We were satisfied. It was done; nerves soothed. In the midst of waiting, we stayed overnight in Denver for an early morning appointment, kids squared away with wonderful friends. Can I deviate onto a little rabbit trail for a moment here? Friends who offer a helping hand and follow through every step of the way are gifts from the very presence of God. For not having family nearby, as many in our community understand, those friends have filled the shoes of family like no other. We are eternally grateful.

The pathology report came through and our hearts sank when our local oncologist said they'd have to perform major surgery to get better samples as the findings were consistent with a varying degree of lymphoma. The medical jargon of the single paragraph offering the explanation went over my head. I hadn't gone to that appointment with my hubby. It didn't matter. By the end of the day, prompt discussion had been made and our new (favorite) doctor (the Queen of Lymphoma) called off the surgery, claiming it was not necessary. Can I slip in a confession here? I've been one to commonly pray for doctors to have wisdom just like everyone else. I've not realized the seriousness of this one petition until yesterday. It's not just a thing to say in passing. It's a BIG prayer request! 

Brian had faced the initial news like a man, trying to encourage me more than anything, but he really did not want to undergo that specific surgery. It was going to set him back even further from his responsibilities in general. For whatever reason we may never know, in one business day, that "cup" was set before us, we were mentally bracing to drink from it, but then it was kindly removed. 

In all of this, we know Who is sovereign. It's good to see when things appear to move in our favor. It's humbling. It's one step at a time. This is not the end. It's just the middle of another messy middle. Thank you to all who have followed and prayed along this journey. We know we are just one of so many who are experiencing major health needs. We would really love to not have to take up your prayer time, or to burden you further. The heart can only take so much it seems. I hope this post has offered a glimmer of encouragement and inspiration. 


  1. Good morning Faith ~ thank you for your beautiful, heartfelt post today. You are such an encouragement to me. I pray that the Lord continues to strengthen you in the midst of the deepest valleys and to encourage and comfort both you and Brian through it all. God knows the beginning from the end and He sees your hearts. I have loved both of you for a long time from the days in choir when you would see him standing in the back of church and the building would light up with your love for each other. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His powerful and loving care in a way that you know it's Him no matter what the circumstances. Love - Shari ❤️

  2. We are praying 🙏🏼 for Brian and the family! Thanks for sharing the updates, God bless you both In This journey

  3. Continuing to pray!

  4. Just prayed...may you remain positive, upbeat, the right hand for your strong husband...who needs his warrior to hold the fort. God will keep answering on a day by day basis, that was my experience. So glad for no more biopsies--they hurt! (I had 3). God will show Himself through perfect strangers too! Will keep praying.


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