
The struggle is real. 

That short sentiment summarizes exactly what I've felt the past couple of weeks. I could delve into the nitty gritty of it all, but that is not the point of this blog. I would like to have found some strong, spiritual inspiration to begin this post other than the opening line, but alas, it'll have to do. Transparency in life is key, isn't it? 

Last night two words pressed onto my mind, flashing like neon signs along dark, urban streets. 


Hanging just below but just as vibrant was the dual message: "Do it now. Don't delay!" 

But what does that look like for me right now? I wondered. What would really soothe and replenish physically and emotionally? Sigh. It was Friday night. I jumped in a hot shower. Score. I only had my younger two at home for the evening. I rented Pollyanna on Amazon for them to watch, thankful they were interested and receptive to the old classic. I trudged downstairs wrapped in my warm, cozy robe and pulled up an old favorite movie on my laptop. Ok, this will do for self-care tonight, I surmised. 

And it did. Thank you, Lord. Sometimes the blessings of a hot shower and a good movie are all it takes. 

In reality, I didn't deserve the luxury that washed over me or the convenience of the high-quality show, but it was available and appreciated. I remember in the past, in another place, turning the knob of a mounted hot water heater each time I needed a shower. I'd watch the flicker ignite behind the small glass pane then hoped there would be enough heat to last while I washed my thick hair. I know it's too easy to expect nice things and first-world conveniences. While self-care is a hot topic these days, it's good for me to remember that has its time and place, but it should never be the number one priority. The old, wise prophet lamented for all humanity when he wrote, "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not." 

Maybe I did find inspiration for this post after all... 


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