early memory with mom

        I hunched against a flat pew in the church balcony overlooking the backs of the congregation, my brothers on either side of me, fingers grasping a slip of paper and a crayon. My attention was pulled away from my coloring to what was happening below. The minister’s discourse fell silent, and a reverent hush took over from down below all the way up to where I sat with my family. 

“Faith!” my mother whispered. Her index finger motioned for me to come toward her. I shuffled around Ross’s bumpy knees, and Mom pulled me up onto her lap. 

The Lord’s Supper had begun. The ushers slowly made their way down each aisle, pausing at each pew to administer the elements. As I sat still, quietly and somberly watching the communion procedures, my mother’s voice began again, this time close to my ear. My brain zeroed in to collect her words, recognizing they were designed for my understanding and knowledge. I did not turn to look into her face as she whispered. My eyes continued to follow the movements below until heavy footsteps sounded behind us, jerking my head away from Mom’s voice momentarily to catch a glimpse of who was walking by. A man strode forward, holding a shiny platter. He bent slightly to offer its contents to people awaiting their turn. 

My mom spoke low as if she were telling me a secret. She described what was on that platter and the one that came next, then explained why she and others partook of each. The reverent meaning and purpose of this moment was brought to life as she spoke. The mystery of the cross unfolded in a way that I could grasp. My spiritual eyes were coaxed open to see Jesus as Savior, a Lamb slain for the sins of the world. This special “supper” was meant to remind God’s people, no matter where they lived, of the sacrifice once made on their behalf, in remembrance, in gratitude. She saw with Holy Spirit wisdom and prudence that I was old enough to receive what she wanted to convey. 

That precious experience was one of the biggest influences in my life that led me to desire God as a child and ever since. 

~ May this Mother's Day find you whispering words of hope and truth into the hearts and lives of your daughters, your nieces, your grandkids, your friend's kids, church kids, whoever God has led your way. 


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