inside this cocoon

I went home to do laundry today after being away for just three nights. As I walked into the familiar, I wondered why it felt as though I'd been gone for weeks not days. I double counted in my head to be sure. Must be my body feeling the constant driving back and forth that began ten days ago. 

In part, I sense that my family and I are tucked away for a bit, for whatever reason. Cocooned yet not out of reach. In touch with so many yet removed from off the scene for a time. Why? I have no idea. Are we too proud or boastful of our stations in life? I honestly don't think so. 

I can see beauty from inside this cocoon. So much beauty and so much of God's goodness. I could fill pages and pages in my journal of each notable item, some blurred here and there from shed tears. Observing our heavenly Father's provision has been nothing short of divine comfort. It's true - we see his provision anyway on a regular basis, so why must we be constrained and why now? I told my kids that as they walk through all the varying circumstances, they must also recognize what is happening inside of them. It's not just going along with how things are swirling around them, but more importantly, how they process it within. Each of them will perceive in their own unique way, unlike anyone else. God sees, understands, and has a purpose.

What I do know is that our faith is what gives substance and evidence to things hoped for, to things yet unseen. And like the song, Evidence, I too can see God's goodness all over my life, ALL over my life. 


  1. We are here sincerely praying together for your family, Faith! We love you and your family!

  2. Replies
    1. Shannon BookhardtMay 27, 2023 at 7:41 AM

      Forgot to change it to my name

  3. Beautiful thoughts from my beautiful daughter.

  4. I truly understand what you mean about your cocoon. Thank you for your words. I wanted to share with you a verse that really has been with my family since the beginning of the month that coincides with your words… 
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”
    2 Corinthians 4:17-18
    Thank you for sharing your journey and having the way with words that you do🥹

  5. Thinking of you, prayingfor your family. Praise God for his mercy and kindness!!


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