All and so much more

Brian and I were discussing yesterday what we thought God might be teaching us. Our present will soon be our past, and though we may not be able to encapsulate the full extent of what God is and has been doing, we both believe there will be insights and understanding unique to this journey. There is no doubt our good Father has great pleasure in guiding and teaching his children who look to him. (Psalm 32:8) 

Having completed another phase of treatment, we find ourselves in that ever-familiar state of waiting for results. But instead of waiting and dreading, we have thrust ourselves into working and living. Me, in this house I manage, organizing and cleaning, mentally preparing for another full year inhabiting this place. From my windows, I see movers loading up neighbor's household goods all day today. One more PCS that marks the long list of moves for our friends next door. Thoughts of "That should have been us." or "...would have been us were it not for cancer." seek to creep into my mind, but I push them away, reminding myself of all the many blessings in staying one more block of time. We are not on anyone's timetable but God's. 

I glance at the ticking clock on the wall beside me, wondering when my husband will give in and call it a day. This beautiful summer day is drawing to a close. He was determined to accomplish something at work - our first day back from treatment. He has been gifted these few weeks to go back into his office and attend meetings. He receives it with gratitude. The passion he has for his squadron is remarkable. I would never wish to be removed from observing and having a part in this portion of his career. It is as much my story as his. 

So what of those lessons, those insights God's teaching us? All and so much more of the above. 


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