a few thoughts

I shudder to think what I'd be like were it not for Jesus saving me and making me his own all those years ago. The longer I'm alive and experience the many things this life has to offer the more I value and appreciate what it means to be a redeemed child of God. Jesus himself told his disciples to rejoice not in the exciting acts of serving God, and seeing his power at work, but the single fact that their names were written down in heaven. (Luke 10:20) 

I can't imagine what it would be like to just hope and not have an everlasting basis for that hope. I can't imagine not having the indwelling Spirit of the Lord, to know a resurrected Savior "... who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us." Romans 8:34

How pitiful an existence to only have temporary love of fellow mortal beings. We were made for more than that! "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress or persecution or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?" Reading through the rest of the eighth chapter in Romans, we see that absolutely nothing can separate a blood-bought son or daughter from the heart and mind of our Lord. 

I also shudder to think what life would be like without close family ties. One of the greatest blessings on earth is having family not only act like family but in a heartbeat willing to rally around you in prayer when times get tough. I must be that family member as well in my role as wife, mother, daughter, sister, in law, cousin, niece, and I think that's all since all the grandparents have passed on... Thank God for his grace that enables when petty offences arise and preferences or choices seem to divide. I do have to add an unpopular statement on fathers/men leading the home: Even though our western culture has come to the place where it blames and seeks to tear down patriarchy (especially the religious type), I can say that I am living proof humble, women-honoring patriarchy works and is one of the best things God set up to protect and guide the family unit through generations that follow.  

Just a few thoughts for today. Please leave any of your thoughts or comments below!   


  1. Love this, third paragraph especially needed today 🤍


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