
Talk of school starting or already starting for some leaves me feeling like a rebel. Why do we need school or a "formal education" anyway? That question comes from a mom who holds a masters in Christian Ed on top of a BA in Elementary Ed all because she wanted to. I have a great philosophy of education, but these days my heart and mind have been heavy on the health and wellbeing of my husband and most recently, a good friend in ICU. 

This past school year came to an abrupt end in mid-May when Brian had his PET scan, the Dr. calling him same day to confirm the results he was seeing on his app. Life just shifts and plans are put on the back burner when health crisis become apparent. Kids learn hard but great life lessons they won't learn just from reading a textbook or turning in the next homework assignment. As and Bs on tests and quizzes pale in comparison to real character that is built and evident in the responses of a student walking through hard times with their family. This summer has been good but also challenging for us and though you may hear me bemoaning the fact that my youngest isn't even close to reading at her grade level, I see her soul being enriched in all the events and circumstances God has led us through. 

But alas, August has arrived; I cannot deny it. What will be unveiled this month? We await so much more than student curriculum in the mail. We have arrived at the one-year mark of Brian's diagnosis. Will this part of our journey continue into the next year? Will we be spending his and my birthdays/anniversary in the hospital and/or diving headlong into another round of treatment just as we were doing last year? I don't care about the need to be happy in those earthly celebrations, but I do care about abiding in the Vine, walking beside still waters, trusting under His wings, overcoming fear and worry in the wait. 

"And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelation 12:10-11 


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