In Jesus Name, Amen!

Where do I even start!? My beloved is in COMPLETE REMISSION!! Even as I type those two words, I sit here in amazement at how it all unfolded. 

All week we've been celebrating as we've shared our news with family and our community at large. They've all drawn in close, communicating their joy for and with us. Many of you reading this post have already expressed your reaction to Brian's health status. It's been a prayer request on your heart and lips for a year now. That cumulative sigh of relief has rippled through the week and I've been looking for some down time to get on here and write. 

As a recap of how we got to this point, let's back up to mid-May:

PET Scans revealed that residual spots in the chest were increasing in size and time was of the essence to get on with the next treatment plan. Hopes and prayers seemingly dashed while schedules were moved up to accommodate checking in to the hospital once again. That paved the way for the expected cell therapy program we had qualified for and kids were sent off to stay with family for a month. In retrospect, it was a great start of their summer vacation! 

As the 24/7 caregiver that first month, I never once had to call in to report or request guidance on side effects. He aced through his weekly appointments, always expressing his gratitude to the medical team. At times we wondered if his body was doing what it was supposed to do and were always reassured that some patients don't have any major side effects and that was perfectly okay. After moving home and getting settled back into our lives, we considered the time to operate and function at normal capacity a significant and remarkable gift. 

Then weird things began happening. In the comfort and quietness of our relationship, I listened as my husband shared what he was experiencing and how that made him feel. It wasn't very often, but each time it left me with a deep, sinking discomfort that was difficult to shake in the moment. Not that I wanted to shake it off and go my merry way; it drove me to the Lord, our Maker and Life. Who else can fully know, understand, and help like him? It also drove me to enlist intercessory prayer more so. I leaned in to hear God speak in my Bible reading. 

In the first moments of seeing the results of the PET scan this week, in combing through the medical jargon, in noting his Deauville score at the lowest/best it could possibly be or ever has been, the emotional dam began to burst. Brian held it in, confessing that he needed to get doc's confirmation at what we were seeing. We waited several hours for her reply. 

When at last Brian got the message on his phone, he held up the screen for me to see for myself. I read the first sentence and the floodgates opened. I turned and wept hard on his shoulder. Tears of joy gushed, and our daughter stood in observation, not knowing exactly for what I cried. Our kids have seen me cry like that several times over the past year, and it was never for good news. I assured her these were happy tears, but I wanted to read the rest of the doctor's message. Her words enveloped us, giving light to the dark unknown, providing the confirmation we needed. It was one of the most joyous times I've experienced in my entire life. Our answer was a huge, resounding YES: your prayers have been heard, heaven has come down and triumphed directly and completely over the horrid disease. 

To God be the glory we were able to celebrate the exact one-year mark of diagnosis with the knowledge of healing and recovery! 

*Much earlier in this journey, the Lord revealed to me that if healing happens, if we are going to sit here on the other side of cancer, it's not going to be merely because of the things we do or great medical treatment or the best doctors in the world. (I was trying and feeling guilty for not doing enough to promote healing - all in the normal ways of caring for a loved one.) Jesus whispered to my heart that it would be because of his mercy and grace and that is what I'd need to point to. He would get the credit, not all the other great things we did* 

THANK YOU to all who have prayed on our behalf. May we continue in this great work we have been given to do in Jesus' name. 


  1. Such beautiful news! I was watching a show with my hubby and the man who had been diagnosed with cancer himself went into remission (this was a few days before your hubby shared the news) and I said aloud “I want this reaction for the Deas. They deserve to hear the word “remission” and THEN when you all shared he was okay, I screamed for JOY and was so happy to let him know- y’all did it! By the Grace of God, y’all are such a testimony in itself! Y’all’s journey has been so beautiful and so profound especially knowing that God’s grace and Love was always first throughout this past year. May God continue to bless you guys, we will miss you so so much!!!!❤️

  2. For the short time I’ve known you and your husband I have been humbled and inspired by the heart I’ve seen you and your family have throughout this hard time, even through reading this blog. There was so much joy in my own heart when I heard this news from James last week. So so happy for you guys!! God was certainly glorified during this time. May He continue to bless your sweet family! Love you guys 💛—Emily


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