post vacation

One of the best things I did on vacation was download and listen to an audiobook by Francine Rivers. She is an author that I'd recalled but unsure whether I'd actually read any of her works. The book I chose was the first of a three part series in historical fiction. The scene was set in ancient Rome and the story unfolded page by page, character by character, leaving me craving every next opportunity to press play on my app. I found it was better than watching a movie, but aren't stories like this the reason movies are made? The author shows, not just tells, and I felt all the feels alongside the fictional characters. I downloaded the second book before completing the first - glad the journey continued with me, the reader, on board. 

One of the blessings about going on (extended) vacation is that you're taking a big step away from the norm in which you operate - away from the stresses and pressures in hopes of enjoying time apart from all that. It can also be a curse. It's an ironic balance I have not mastered well. My book was most definitely an escape; a carrying away back in time wherever the author pleased. Reality tells me to focus on the present and tend to the things that promote that which helps me navigate through this life I lead with my husband, children in tow. 

Thankfully, I'm able to draw from the experiences and struggles of the characters I've attached myself to in that fictional world. I'm inspired by the faith in one of the main characters. It's no matter she was made up in a writer's mind. Her faith applies and transcends universally. Jesus taught in parables often so people could grasp truths he was trying to instill. The apostle Paul wrote about how he and the other gospel writers were not out to dominate the believer's faith, but rather help their joy. It's by our own personal faith we stand. Whether it's fiction or non-fiction, I can distinguish what is helpful and what is not. Praise God for that. I hope my penned words benefit and contribute to intentional growth in my readers. 

Oh, and if you're still waiting for me to give you the name of the good reads, they are: A Voice in the Wind, followed by An Echo in the Darkness, and As Sure as the Dawn. You're welcome. 


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