What's God doing now?

My parents celebrated fifty-one years of marriage this week. 51. That's impressive. I'd go back to their early days together if I could, just to see who they were as the young Mr. and Mrs. Then I'd tag along through each decade, watching how they made it through the stories I've heard, the stories they've long forgotten, the way all of it shaped them, grew them, grew me- an extension of their life together. It would be awesome but also overwhelming seeing things that I would like to help them out with along the way, realizing I can't do that. It is best knowing that the Lord was there. He was working to draw them from the start, just as he has been in my life.

This raises a great thought: God is working in the daily bits that make up every decade. Some bite-size bits are easy to swallow while some get stuck and don't want to go down. They create stress and attention. They take us to our knees to beg for help. The heavy trial I walked through for a year has passed. We have come through it and stand on the other side. I wrote many posts here, expressing my thoughts, hopes, dreams, inspiration from the Word that kept me encouraged. My world that revolved around my husband's cancer has shifted back to revolving around normal, disease-free life again. The storm that flashed and thundered in our second decade together has moved on. And a part of me wonders...  

What's God doing now? Is the back-to-normal as good for me as the hard trials? Obviously, I'm not interested in going straight back into another storm or wishing the last would stick around longer. It's just that the closeness to the Father feels stronger when the faith walk is over a deep, unknown ravine vs. on good, solid ground. The desperation to cling to him feels more real than when there doesn't seem to be a current problem too big to handle. 

One day, Lord willing, I will look back on however many decades of my marriage I get and know the Lord's hand was strong through all of it. My kids will hear stories and perhaps they too will brave their future trusting the One who remains present through it all. 


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