
What makes good community? Is it longevity, personality, communication skills, humor, common interests, background, work life, tragedy, suffering, religion or belief systems? Perhaps it's all of those things and perhaps only one or something else that brings people together. For me, it's rarely been about longevity. For as long as I can remember, people have cycled in and out of my life due to my place of residence changing every few years.  

For many who either move frequently or simply wonder where they actually belong, it's wonderfully satisfying to get that sense of community. Once it's felt or experienced, it makes moving that much more difficult. As a daughter of foreign missionaries, I couldn't help crying at each farewell gathering, feeling a deep sense of loss each time. Airports use to rouse a discomfort in the pit of my stomach, emotion tightening in my throat, even if I wasn't the one going anywhere. Thankfully, those childhood experiences haven't caused me to shy away from a transient life.  

In the last couple months, without much effort of my own, I became a part of a group of moms right here in my small neighborhood. I was roped in for weekly coffee and prayer meet ups. Our kids play together at odd times since we all homeschool. It's great knowing these moms, but once I began praying with them, I realized prayer is what has been key to deeper friendship and strong community. It's so interesting that this all came about after the decision was made to stay put another year due to hubby's cancer treatments. He went into remission shortly after orders were cancelled. 

The ability to see God's hand at work in daily life is an awesome thing. The knowledge that he does all things well and for the good of his people keeps the soul at rest (even when it may take us a bit to get there). I pray you too are seeing the hand of a good Father who loves to provide for his own. 


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