my mini marathon

It's Thursday night, and I'm sitting on my bed thinking of my hubby belted upright in his preselected airplane seat, probably by the window, flying home to me right now. 

It's been three weeks managing house and home. It's what spouses do sometimes, isn't it? The first time it was a stretch of weeks, I happened to be a new mother. Now that same kid is fourteen, is taller than me, and walks around on feet that can fit comfortably into his dad's shoes.

Kinda proud of myself! For some reason, this was one of the harder times to be going solo. Now that I'm at the finish line, I look back to see I completed what I’d call a mini marathon. Others may not consider it long enough but that’s okay. My days consisted of trying to prayerfully follow world news, unusual church dealings, the routine of chores and school loads, added dogs and babysitting, and juggling a book project. Evidence of a very eventful three weeks.  

The Lord sustains! His grace comes in like waves on a sandy beach; it doesn't ever really stop coming at me. I'm just either turned away, or too caught up in the stresses of what's in my head, and miss seeing his lovingkindness wash up and over the uneven parts of the shore. 

This afternoon I realized something about myself. I don't like having to learn technical things. Each feel like a lot as I don't have much expertise there. Science projects, algebra, starting a website, that sort of stuff, all feels like threatening clouds and I'd prefer (and my kids for sure would too) a world where those types of things were not required. But again, trying to avoid or flee just attracts that cloud to follow right behind me. Facing the challenges head on, taking a bite out of the largeness of it typically reduces the burden and the clouds eventually dissipate. I like to tell my kids they gotta learn how to figure things out. God gave us a mind and a will to step forward and accomplish things we may not feel like doing, but life is full of such opportunities anyway. 

I just heard a rare plane pass overhead. Too early to be the one I'm waiting on. But it reminded me to check the time. Only about half an hour to go. I better get myself freshened up! My best friend's coming home! 


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