no need for alarm

"It is irrational to worry because of our Heavenly Father." 

    -Tonight's quote from my Pastor's sermon. I love how he used the word irrational

The text was Matthew 6:25-34. If we know Who our God is, and how he's promised to care for and provide our needs, there is no room for worry. As humans, we need reminders often in this one area. No matter how old you are or what season, there will be triggers that arise, and the forces behind those are pushing to disarm, derail, and tip the stability bucket. 

My hubby went in for routine bloodwork the other day. He called me when he was in the waiting room. There was nothing to worry about; it was just a quick check. I wasn't worried until I took note of the time a couple hours later and wondered why he didn't call when he left the hospital. 

Almost immediately, thoughts filled my mind. We aren't at the one-year remission mark yet. Maybe he was still there, having a serious conversation with the doctor. Maybe they were discussing increased levels of concern from his blood draw. Maybe there was more to this visit than expected. 

So I texted, and then I called. No reply. Pressure began to build, like a slow-rising flood, seeping in from under the door. I emailed him with- hey babe, call me, just for my peace of mind. He should know I'm sitting over here busy with the kids at school, but still very concerned and interested! 

All of a sudden, my daughter and I heard a distant alarm coming from outside. She got up and opened the front door. We recognized it as a neighborhood siren, like the ones that go off for tornado warnings. There was no inclement weather; it was just a test. The automated voice repeated the fact that it was just a test. 

As those very words were spoken at a distance, the Lord pricked my heart as if to say, What you're feeling now concerning Brian and his lack of communication at the moment is just a test. Will you allow it to consume you, or will you look to me for peace? 

It was just a test, and so very irrational of me to dissolve into worry when I have a Heavenly Father who cares for me so intimately on every level. So many stories in the Bible of men and women who were put to the test, and like them, I had a simple decision to make. Will I abide in Christ, trusting my Lord who knows all and has power over all? 

God was so good to remind me with that neighborly alarm system. An actual voice in surround sound as if the angels in heaven got permission to turn it on to declare defeat over the enemy's torture tactics. I don't belong to that enemy; I belong to Jesus. 

Then my hubby called. Now that my emotions had been redirected, I couldn't get mad at him and chide him for not calling me. 


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