snuggles and smiles

This week I had the pleasure of holding my newest niece for the first time. She is only six weeks old and as snuggly as can be. I have received many nieces and nephews into my life, but it never gets old. This little beauty is second daughter to my youngest brother and his wife. I remember well when he was born... 

At 16 and homeschooled, I was very much aware of the long days, weeks, and months my mother endured to bring this eighth child into our family. When I first saw his tiny self bundled tight in the hospital crib, my heart filled with awe at how spectacular new life truly was. Life beginning in the womb, shrouded beneath a growing belly, then brought forth upon which to freely gaze: the glory of God deposited right into our hands to touch, to love. Strangely, I don't remember holding him for the first time. Standing there gazing is what I recall most. 

My sister-in-law brought her daughter's baby book and asked me to write a note or letter; another privilege. I love the written word, so enjoyed inscribing a tender message that one day my niece will read for herself. Babies don't stay small as much as we would sometimes love for them to do so. They grow up, learn to read and write, and eventually figure things out for themselves. They determine what will help them or what matters most. I know this little girl has every reason to thrive and prosper. My message encourages to that effect. The Lord can be her guide and light if she so chooses to allow that. Just as with me and any other human on the planet, her sinful nature will naturally drive her away from God and to self instead. The struggle we all have between what we think we want or need as opposed to what we actually need and ultimately want. 

I'm thankful to have a part, even if only a tiny part in the upbringing of another extended family member. To be able to leave future impact, to cherish and snuggle in the present, to pray for and praise the Lord over most of all. 

In standing back to see the works of God, the perspective that only he can give, I can't help but acknowledge his ways have always been best. Over twenty times I've rejoiced at the news of a new niece or nephew. Over twenty lives I am blessed to pour into here and there as auntie. 

"That the generation to come might know them (the testimonies and law), even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments." Psalm 78:6-7


  1. God has gifted you with special talent in the written word!! Thank you for sharing!


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