that idea of belonging

In tagging onto last week's post, I'd like to add an excerpt from my upcoming book (surprise!) titled Unraveled

    "Where you and I each began in life, what our parents were doing, where we grew up spending our formative, impressionable years - all of this leaves an imprint on who we are today. That, coupled with any sort of repetitive transitioning from one set of normal to a completely different set of normal, can make for a unique perspective, to say the least. That idea of belonging, whether strongly attached or detached from locations and family, means something deeper. The good news is, it can be unraveled and dissected in a healthy way when we look to the One who was there and continues to remain along our unique journeys. I love the idea of repurposing the script with Christ in his rightful place where he was all along. 

    In searching deeper through the recesses of my own memories, I like to ask myself what the Master and Commander of the universe was up to in my corner of the world - the world he formed and the spot I landed on. In sifting through those sometimes faint, sometimes remarkably clear recollections, I wonder how God was moving prior to and at the time of my arrival. Moving within boundaries, I inevitably became part of something bigger than myself - something I grew to accept as positive. There was always a greater narrative taking place, and looking back, I can see how he providentially sustained me within the context of my family. Through the varying circumstances in which I found myself, I had to learn to lift my gaze upward to seek him. 

    You have a story much like I do. As joyful or painful as it may be to unravel, it is one that can be redeemed, one that can lead you exactly to where you belong. If you do examine your past, as I have done in this book, I pray you'll see the many ways God had his hand on you as well."

Comment or send me a message if this speaks to you! Instead of hiding from, dismissing, or ignoring your past, why not dig in and ask questions, investigate, and prod. It may not be all rosy, but it's all yours. What will you do with it? How does unpacking change you and give you new perspective? Have you released the hard parts to God, allowing his love to wash over, causing new seeds to spring forth from what may have been wasted and barren soil? I found so much strength and insight into what I previously let settle beneath the dust of time. I learned how to connect the dots between then and now. 


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