building well

"Wisdom has built her house" Proverbs 9:1

What is your house? Is it your address, residence... place in which you sleep and cook, watch TV, and do all the things? Or is it your people - family members beginning with the head of household to the latest added furry friend?

I want to build my house with wisdom. I have one shot at doing it well. As the days and weeks roll by, it feels like I have tons of opportunities and even re-dos. I wake up and start my day with my kids since we currently homeschool. I plan and try to help things click along smoothly. Today, I felt like a complete failure, which isn't that unusual I must say, but a feeling I can't entertain for long lest I flounder and lose my God-given focus. 

Praise the Lord for a life-long practice of journaling. I opened a new page in my digital journal this afternoon to express my loathing of the unnamed problem that had arisen and enveloped me. I typed out my distress and ended by inviting my heavenly Father to step in and give me the direction I needed. And do you know what happened? His grace began to silently sweep over me. I didn't notice it at first, but as I got busy in the kitchen, I thought of something I should do to organize my chaos better. A renewed sense filled me with the knowledge that I could handle and even tackle the problem by sketching out a plan for the days and weeks ahead. And that did the trick. 

God loves it when we run to him first. He is all about dishing out wisdom, grace, mercy, a renewed mind, and all the things we need to stay rooted in him. 

All my family members under my roof need me to build with godly wisdom. My husband needs it. My kids need it. My dog even needs it! They don't verbally express it that way. Most often, my kids see when I stress or get upset and how I respond, either in the flesh or by the Spirit. We all know Mom is not perfect, but she does have the great responsibility and privilege to partner with Dad and build with wisdom. It's always good to know that my help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth and also redeemed my soul. He is not a God who fails or falls short. 

The second half of that first verse in Proverbs chapter nine says, "she has hewn out her seven pillars." And it continues with more hard, practical work. That's a good picture of what it takes in this life: plain hard work to live a life that is fruitful and lasts more than just for the moment. Thank God for a body that can function and do the things, a mind that can think clearly, and yes, include times for rest. Most of all, an ever-present Savior who is right there, drawing nigh as we draw nigh to him. (James 4:8)


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