moving forward

I'm feeling the need to switch gears a bit with my blog posts. Lately, I have been making good progress toward developing and self-publishing my first book. It almost sounds dishonest to say "self" in the publishing part because the original manuscript I submitted to my first editor has little resemblance to what it looks like today. I'd be appalled to go back and read it now.

It all started when I hired an editor/writing coach to work with me as well as do the line edits. When we were done, she recommended I hire another editor, so I did. Who knew there were so many types of editors?! After that, I needed a self-publishing group to help me do the typesetting and cover. I had heard of a company from another author and decided to go with them. After the first consultation, I postponed as my husband was in the middle of treatment. Due to the circumstances of that particular treatment and the season we were in, I decided it might not be the best time to proceed. Instead, God gave me ideas of other things to work on which would go toward the production of a good book. 

I still can't believe how gracious the Lord was in giving me that sense to wait. It was hard to decide to hold off on something I wanted to jump into, but he gave his grace. Weeks and months passed. During that time, I reached out to individuals for endorsements. Others contributed by proofreading, which helped guide me in going deeper and stronger with my message. Life events happened which inspired and solidified the last couple chapters of my book. I also battled feelings of inferiority and "nobody really cares, so why am I doing this?" All the common lies and perhaps some laced with truth? I reached out to my parents to ask their honest opinion of whether I should put my story, which was also in large part their story, out in the world. My dad replied a couple days later with heartfelt words asking me to ask myself whether I felt like this was a faith move. If I was not doing this by faith, then don't. That's exactly what I needed to hear. 

So I went forward confidently with hiring the publishing team. Another chunk of money to put down upfront, then the rest when they had completed the job. Very thankful we never went into debt for any of this on a single income. We had a bit of a hookup and delay with getting the cover image clear. I insisted it had to be better. They did the right thing and did not even charge me extra for their additional time and effort spent. 

I know many of my friends are not writers nor find it therapeutic as I do. Everyone has some niche or will find it eventually. Ten years ago, I never would have seen myself writing to publish or even enter this writer's world. Fourteen years ago I was a new mom loving time with my favorite person in the world, my baby boy. He and I would take trips to go visit my granny. She just adored him. I'd go back to those days in a heartbeat if I could. But I can't and that's okay. I'm here, and so are you. Thank God there is something we each can fulfil in this life he's given.


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