the waiting game

Ever noticed how much waiting we do in life? It's a lot. Often, waiting feels like an unwelcome setback, stirring up anger, irritation, definitely annoyance, or even hopelessness and despair. Why is that? Maybe because we are designed to work and get stuff done, i.e. Adam in the garden. 

I love productivity as much as anyone. I love feeling accomplished. Minutes, hours, days, seasons, and years go along unabashed as we scramble and screech through all the things we have to do or want to do. When we come to a halt or a roadblock, it can rub us the wrong way, and at best, drive us to the Lord for help and intervention. 

My book cover clarity was enhanced beautifully, but my eyes immediately noticed faint markings in the background that shouldn't be there. Don't you hate it when you notice things you'd rather not see? Once you see it, you can't unsee it, as they say. 

So I notified my publishing team, and they got to work again. I have to remember to count my blessings. I could have hired a less-than-helpful group not interested in (or have the bandwidth in) going the second mile for their customers. They could ignore my emails as we've completed our contract and final payments have been made. I could be left hanging on my own. But they are a Christian company and are doing what is fair and right, thank God. I could have had to dish out more money to hire another cover designer. 

Sometimes it's so obvious when God's got you. Sometimes it's not, and it gets uncomfortable and scary. Mordecai and Esther got uncomfortable and plain scared along with all the other Jews as we read the story in the Old Testament book of Esther. One wicked man had schemed and seamlessly sealed his plan on the calendar. The story isn't over till it's over. We know the ending to that epic tale. 

I would like to think my mini setback is no big deal. It's a normal part of life - book or no book. No one is dying to buy my book or even needs it with all the amazing stories out there. If it's meant to be (and I believe it is) it'll happen. In the meantime ... what's for dinner? 


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