
When Jesus knew that his hour had come that he should depart from this world ... 

He rose from supper and laid aside his garments, took a towel, and girded himself ... 

He knew it was time. He knew the Father had given all things into his hands, even the cruel betrayal from one within. Still, he loved them unto the end, and he demonstrated that love. He poured water into a basin, and began to wash his disciple's feet, one by one. 

We often hear that Jesus showed his love by dying on the cross, and that is true. But this example he set before the crucifixion is one that he intended his followers to remember and carry out, first and foremost within the church body. We are to serve one another in love; not in duty or for praise or selfish gain, but because Jesus gave a new commandment to love. 

On my last visit to the local grocery store, I noted a magazine headline in the checkout line that said something about true love. The full-page image of two currently popular celebrities kissing was meant to portray the meaning of love. We are fools to look at that and believe the messaging. To like someone that much and unashamedly kiss passionately in public must be the definition of true love. Pop culture magazines thrive in the business of cranking out eye-catching pictures of beautiful people, feeding human desire and longing. 

Getting down on one's knees to wash the feet of others, including one who has evil intentions, will never come easily or naturally. In ancient Middle Eastern culture or any modern-day culture, humble servitude without personal gain does not attract or sell. 

Jesus could have gotten up from supper, rushed out the door to drop his last sermon or podcast to the biggest audience, sharing selfies and videos across all social media platforms, content that would go viral, knowing full well those were his last moments to make the broadest impact with his fan base. Maybe one more book would do the trick, or one last finale to close out his YouTube series?

Jesus had an everlasting, life-changing message. Instead of promotional freebie swag to attract interest, he called for love to be modeled by his own followers so the world would know what it means to be a Christian.  

"If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them." John 13:17   

In those precious last days and hours leading up to his death on the cross, Jesus shared the most valuable insight into the life of a believer: love one another. Galatians 5:13-15


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