come and see

The invitation to "Come see the place where the Lord lay" was an invitation to believe. 

The stone was not rolled away because Jesus needed an exit door. It was never blocking Jesus from getting out of that dark, silent grave. 

The linen burial clothes lying just exactly where they'd been tightly woven around the body were not left there as an afterthought; an "oops, I forgot to put those away" moment. They were intentionally there for the disciples to see their Master's body easily withdrawn, no longer held captive to death and decay. The napkin over his face had been left folded in a place by itself. 

Mary and the disciples were witnesses that Jesus was no longer there where he'd been placed. He was risen indeed!

What have I witnessed in my life that I have thought through and used to testify freely of the mercy, grace, and goodness of God? Most of us can relay a story about a horrible experience and how we're glad it's over and done. We can easily talk about horrible people who are not helping a situation. We can pray through a terrible trial, all while blinded to the fact that Jesus desires to give of himself that we might grow stronger and wiser in the midst of it. 

Are my eyes open to the invitation to come and see what the Lord has done for me and others? If you struggle with communicating well, have you tried writing or talking things over with someone? Have you asked the Lord for wisdom to become more effective for his honor and glory? I have had to do that. There was a time not too long ago when I got immediate writer's block at the attempt to write for readers. It felt completely different from writing and journaling just for myself. It was intimidating and words did not flow from my pen. 

Just as with the disciples, spiritual growth and change do not necessarily happen overnight, or even after witnessing a profound miracle. It takes surrender and obedience. Slowly but surely we will look back and see growth. And as the road stretches out before us, let's take note of small but mighty victories along the way. 


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