things we get to do

This weekend I "did a thing" or rather, accomplished something for the first time in my life. A month ago, it was just an idea someone (this lady sitting by me in the picture) put into my head. It was really cool to see that idea turn into actionable steps forward and then see it at last come to fruition. And you know what? I really enjoyed the experience! 

Has that ever happened to you? At first, the thought or idea doesn't feel real. It may sound too far-fetched, or too distant to become reality. There may be quite a few steps or choices that have to be determined and taken before it can be attainable. Some would call it a dream, some, an opportunity. 

For me, this past weekend was a reminder of several things. 

First, the Lord is so good. He should get all the glory in anything good or productive I do. He orchestrates, uses people to open up my eyes to see a path forward, and then enables me to walk that way. 

Second, friends in my life. One friend gave me the idea in the first place and then followed through. Two others partnered with me, which made the whole thing a more attractive endeavor. Another newer friend and her family stepped in to keep my two younger kids so that they were well cared for during my absence. It took a village! 

Sometimes it just takes a village! 

Sometimes, or perhaps, many times, it is not going to be a one-man-show. The operation, as my husband would call it in military terms, is a team effort. The team must be formed, developed, and brought forward in unity to accomplish the things that were once only ideas. Without that, ideas just remain ideas. Nothing happens. Nothing changes. 

I am so thankful that there was an absence of fear or nerves getting in the way this past weekend. It was easy to meet people who came by my book table. Signing their newly purchased book was an honor, but my prayer is that each reader would glean in such a way that they find ways to tell their own stories for the glory of God. He has crafted each one of us and is more than able to teach us how to unravel, unpack, and untangle things that have happened in our lives. It is not about deconstructing, but about constructing a testimony unique to each of us that will blossom into a beautiful message of grace. He has healing balm in his wings (Malachi 4:2). We see it in stories throughout the Bible; Joseph, Ruth, Naomi, Paul, Rahab, Judah, Peter, and the list goes on. 


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