
Today marks the second time in my life that I've packed up to leave the colorful state of Colorado. My family and I moved here for work. Both times the job was offered to my husband as an option. Both times he and I jumped at the opportunity. This state has given him his top two most exciting and savored positions in his nineteen years of service. This state has also provided us two good homes, (first time to purchase) two dynamic church families, many dear friendships, and lifelong memories. Out of all our military assignments, it has also been the place that has driven us deep into the anguish of body and soul. But God has been fully evident here and we have chosen to trust in his masterful production.

Colorado opened the door wide for us to venture into the foster care community; to bring us eye to eye with little lives so hungry for what was lost. It is the state that put me on a roller coaster ride, screeching to a halt just outside death's door with my first miscarriage. Ten years later it ushered us into a heavy dose of oncology care for my husband, a year-long crisis that we believe God used to show our world what it means to be a Christian leader (and family) in the fire. 

I crafted my first "publishable" manuscript with the guidance of local editors. I can't believe the amount I've learned in becoming an author. The Lord has been such a faithful and wonderful Guide every step of the way. Amid all the excitement, we also witnessed a confusing and damaging spiral and complete tearing apart of one of our most beloved faith communities. It has been a sobering reminder to be on guard and proactive in seeking and waiting for the truth to be revealed- and it has, just as the light of day. Any amount of faith can so easily be sifted and found "wanting" just as the Scriptures say. It's no wonder God's Word is full of warnings, caution, and reminders; gentle words of lovingkindness meant to keep us steady or move us back on track when we derail. 

Next week we officially close shop here and look toward what the Lord has for us at our next stop. There will be good, most likely some bad too, but isn't it best to know a place is just a place no matter what is experienced there? God's hand can and should be evident everywhere, through all the seasons of life. Do you see him in your past and in your present? If not, ask him and seek his reply in his Word. 

"... he that cometh to God must believe that he is (he exists as whom he says he is) and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrews 11:6 


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