he never fails

"I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." 

"... for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." 

Joshua chapter one. 

I knew this past week would whiz by. Each day was filled with reminders of to-do's. All have been fulfilled and accomplished. There were a couple bumps along the way, but easy enough to move past and onward toward the goal. Thank God. I do not take any of this for granted. Moving is an adventure, but also a big chore!

If you do not know me well, you should know that moving is a part of the fabric of my life. I wrote a fun blog post on 18 February 2023 called, "Counting Homes." Feel free to check it out. 

The Lord was so good at reminding Joshua of two big things. First, since he was called and willing to step into Moses' shoes, the Lord wanted to be clear about the fact that he would not fail Joshua. Second, he would be with him wherever he went. Joshua had to be strong and courageous, to stay planted in the law in meditation and observance. God established his own faithfulness with these two promises. 

He does the same in our lives.

"Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For he himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 

The responsibility is not entirely on him. We have a part to play in listening, yielding, and obeying his voice. The reward of having a Father and Savior who will never fail or forsake is, however, entirely ours to receive. His presence is promised no matter where we move or settle down. Wow, what a treasure! 

Whether you move a lot or not, these truths are the same for the child of God. People fail. People leave. Jesus doesn't. 


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