
A good family legacy is important to me. I was raised by parents who tried to keep their kids close and tried to impart values and morals that would stick for a lifetime. The Bible was their basis; the Holy Spirit their Guide. All of us kids are now married with children of our own, doing our best to pass the baton to the next generation. 

My brother Tim spoke in my dad's place for Sunday morning worship over in Hong Kong. He did a great job. He easily switched back and forth between Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. Genuine humility exuded. He admitted it was a dream to be present, not as a pastor, but as an ordinary guy. The church had been a big part of our childhood. 

As I watched the recording from my phone hours after the service, a mixture of emotions sparked at the reminder that he and I were a part of something special in that corner of the world. Even after decades, middle age having now swallowed up our youth, we rejoice at the blessing of community and fellowship that remains intact. How could it be? My family said goodbye to Hong Kong in the mid-90s. Here we are in the 2020s. It has to be the Lord! His hand is evident. His truth, enduring. He is the everlasting Father and Redeemer; He has a purpose and a great future in mind. "Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it... that he might present it to himself a glorious church." Ephesians 5: 25, 27

The power of the gospel has made an indelible impact on my family. Anything I consider good and right in our lives stems from that. It began with faith in the hearts of my parents. Their faith turned to works, forming a substance for hope, the evidence of things not seen in the present. 

Any legacy starts with someone turning wholeheartedly to the Lord Jesus Christ. You can begin that, even if no one else will. Then wait and see, trust, and testify to what only He can do in and through you! 


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