a great big God!

I met up with an old friend today. She and I were never super close, but circumstances and mutual connections brought us together about ten years ago, and we haven't seen one another since. I told her nine-year-old son I held him as an infant in church nursery. He was a delight then and seems to be a really sweet boy now. 

I'm thankful that we were able to pick up where we left off. We chatted about the years that have passed, which have brought us to where we are today. I discovered a friend who has grown in her faith and marriage. A woman blessed, living out her calling. It is good to see when people grow in their walk with God rather than apart from him when they could have claimed every reason to walk away. It is refreshing to be able to fellowship and point to ways the Lord has been at work over the years despite grueling trials. 

Earlier this morning I read about a Christian leader in the Old Testament. His sons are grown when they are presented in the story. The father is a good man, faithfully serving as he was called and ordained to do. His sons are "sons of Belial" a term used in the Bible to mean worthless, base, wicked, evil, naughty, unprofitable. It is not just used for males either. 

I thought about Christian kids raised in homes and churches where the Bible is taught and preached. Somewhere along the line, Eli's sons ditched the whole godly life thing. It may have been a slippery slope, but they both gave in to their own lusts and let that dominate to the point where everyone knew what kind of men they were. The Bible says they "knew not the Lord" which makes me wonder if they ever knew him at all? Was there any childlike faith in their early years? Was there never a pull toward following after God? Did their parents ever motivate or inspire them to look to the Lord and desire him? 

Just reading that bit in 1st Samuel really impressed upon my heart to pray for each of my kids; to be intentional about parenting them the way they "should go." (Proverbs 22:6) I'm so thankful that by taking them with me to see an old friend from another time, another church, in another place (my history), they were able to see a Christian family who is hospitable and kind. I think that is so important and invaluable in their understanding of how God is at work everywhere at all times, beyond their world. He's a great big God! 


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