cleaving to Jesus

How much do frustrations and unpleasant circumstances drive you to God? What is your tipping point? I try to maintain an ongoing dialogue with the Lord whether breathing in satisfaction or grief. He's always been there, promises his presence, but do I really cleave to him with all my heart, mind, and soul? 

There are things I love and there are things I hate. The latter can seethe if I'm not careful. The heaviest weight is that which I see in myself and those closest to me, i.e., family. Jesus said his burden is light. If I'm walking around carrying a heaviness that's not from him, how does that look and feel to my Savior, the One who has blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ?

"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

I don't think that is a one-time call. I think that it is a continual plea that begins with salvation, and if we are mindful of his presence, we will take heed over and over. Life may be great one day, then the next day, excruciating. You may sigh with sheer contentment in one season, heart bursting with joy at the incredible gifts you've received by his grace, and the next season or two, moan in affliction and dismay. You may feel victorious and strong in spirit, but then the next thing you know, you're hiding out in weakness and fear from your Jezebel. There may be bitterness that runs deep, but then the story unravels, and contentment and gratitude close out the chapter. 

Tonight hubby and I got on our knees and prayed. And prayed. We have wept over a lot the past few years, but this season requires just as much cleaving to Jesus, not merely a casual dismissal over a favorite drink. 

Thank you for musing with me. 

Life is good, grand even. More than that, God is good!

"For thou preventest (coming forth to meet) him with the blessings of goodness... thou hast made him exceeding glad with thy countenance."  Psalm 21:3,6


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