pay attention

"Your only job is to drive"

I glanced up more than once to read a recurring digital message over a major freeway as we neared the East Coast. I had already driven over one thousand miles. At last, a poignant reminder that my only job is to focus on driving! They know as well anybody that there are a million other things you and I get caught up doing while in the driver's seat. Text messages and calls come in. Audiobooks have to be started and paused, or rewound in case something was missed. Billboards catch the eye as well as changes in scenery. Crazy drivers, missed lights or turns; GPS rerouting. So many things! 

The simple reminder to focus on driving and not everything else reminds me of a few things we Christians need to focus on in life. I'm just as bad as anyone when it comes to distractions. 

"He has shown you.. what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 

But Faith, what does this have to do with my faith walk, you ask? I don't know. You tell me. Every single day we pass by so many things, many of which we hardly take note. Some, we grasp onto. There is so much pulling in every direction. The Bible uses terms like "singleness of heart" or having a "single eye" as opposed to "double-minded" and "tossed to and fro" like the waves of the sea.

Narrowing my focus behind the steering wheel or through life is not optional. Parenting, loving and honoring my spouse, and serving faithfully in all the roles I get to live out is a privilege. Often, I tend to get slack in one or more areas. Thank God he knows this about our weak, human frame as well as all the spiritual attack. Thank God he enables us regardless of all that seems to be in opposition. 

Even when home, schedules, routines, and location get uprooted, Jesus has ways of reminding me to pay attention. I don't want to miss what he has for me all along the journey whether it feels fun or not.   


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