
I think I had a breakthrough moment yesterday on my afternoon walk. The sun was setting, dipping just below the thick range of trees beyond the main road. I was talking to the Lord, avoiding my normal route through a park when I saw that it was crowded from a soccer event. Passing by too many people means less focus on things I want to think of and pray about. It's not total seclusion I desire, but noisy, constant passersby or traffic doesn't help me in my pursuit of both physical and spiritual vitality. 

I have been struggling as a parent, though I realize I get to co-parent with a wonderful man. On my walk, as the day was coming to a close, that last burst of evening sunlight sparked a new ray of hope. I surrendered my issues and deep longings all over again and the Lord received my prayer. "Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth I desire beside thee." (Psalm 73:25) The struggle was there but dropped with this verse upon my heart. I could now claim it to be true for me. 

The grace of God is so real - so much more than a cliche phrase or an intangible idea many like me grow up hearing over and over. I got a big portion of my Father's grace. He never runs out of it. Unlike the sun, which only appears for a portion of our 24-hour day, grace is accessible and available. Have you received any lately? 


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