Mrs. Mok

When I see this picture, I imagine one of my children sitting between my parents instead of the old woman. I could be sitting there too, smiling for the quick shot, eager to save and share. Yet, there they are savoring the moment with an ancient soul who happened to be in the same spot at a mall in Hong Kong, resting sore feet. 

I thank God my parents are doing exactly what they were called to do. They intersect with ordinary people like Mrs. Mok, engaging in conversation. They see moments like these as opportunities to leave imprints of the Lord Jesus who mercifully intersected with them 52 years ago in dusty West Texas.

While I am thankful and a smidge jealous, I'm confident that the stranger in the photo is just as valued in the eyes of her Creator as any redeemed child of His. She is just as much in need of a Savior in her golden years as I was at five years old. 

So Father I pray for Mrs. Mok that You would keep showing up by way of new faces like my parents, familiar faces of those in her circle who will share Jesus, sources of media streaming the gospel message in all its beautiful, convicting power, and perhaps memories long forgotten. I pray that her aging mind would clearly recognize the prompts and connect the dots; her eyes would be enlightened to see her desperate need for Your Son alone and she would call upon Your name without hesitation. In Jesus' name, Amen. (1 Timothy 2:4-6)


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