that kind of content

My middle school son arrived at his first basketball practice the other day, a bit hesitant not knowing any of the boys. He loitered along the sidelines while the coach arrived with extra balls and equipment. In a low voice, I told my boy to go ask the coach if he could help with anything. None of the others on the court were making a move in that direction. They were focused on practicing their shots. Not really wanting to, he did it anyway, and I watched as the coach made a point to notice a helpful dark-haired kid and ask his name. It meant something. 

I received a text message this morning from a new acquaintance (nothing to do with basketball). She expressed her thanks for my initiative and faithfulness in volunteering to fill a specific need. "More than that, you provided a servant leadership template encouraging everyone... When we pray, we say your name, and thank God for your kindness and your strength, which has helped us all in so many ways." What a lovely message at the start of my day! Listed with many other names, mine now stands out as someone who did something noticeable and kind. 

Both of these stories are about standing out from "the crowd" and it was never meant for personal gain, just trying to live out my faith. 

A good book cover should stand out on a shelf. But it isn't enough for the cover to be special. The inside content has got to be just as good. I want to be known as having that kind of "content." Too much of my life has been about the exterior, whether trying to be more beautiful, less shy, more fruitful, smarter, or whatever. The Lord never fails to work in my life and all around this crazy world. How lame of me to not acknowledge that fact and praise Him for it. He's always known what he's doing and why. I have to trust him to work inside my kid's hearts too, even though they get so much direction from mom and dad. Inside the Christian home spiritual wild fires can rage and lick up everything good and right we have tried to do. That's a subject for another time though. 

Goodnight. *yawn*




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