the written word

Why do writers write? 

We love words. We love to craft sentences and form thoughts that communicate something more. We love how the voice sounds in print. It can contain all levels of emotion and conjure up limitless imagery. Words teach or remind us of whatever it is we need to learn or remember. They also have the power to add just the right amount of wind to sagging sails. Words unread, closed inside a cover are worthless. 

I personally love unpacking words and then editing to formulate better, clearer thoughts and ideas.  

One of my favorite paragraphs from my book encourages me every time I re-read it. I tweaked it for this blog post: 

In his goodness and mercy, my heavenly Father continues to remind me that He is right here, vectoring me through this life. God may be unseen to the human eye but oh so evident with human faith. My seat of security is found in him. He is not an off-and-on God, present only at times depending on his interest or my behavior. Jesus Christ is sovereign over every detail, every cell in our bodies, every shift in circumstance and season. My job is to abide in Him first and foremost. No matter what diversion may come, nothing can change these truths for the child of God. 

The past week pressed hard, and I knew my "sails" were sagging; I was stalling in spiritual growth and vibrancy. As much as I wanted to blame others or the circumstances, it's me who needed to recognize what was going on and get things adjusted. By the grace of God, though I am a work in progress, I did just that. 

"... when ye received the word of God... ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh in you that believe." 1 Thessalonians 2:13


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