it's no secret
Don't you both love and hate it when you're painstakingly searching for something and it's sitting there right in front of your face? It happens. Or when you need something to fix a problem but you're not sure what. Then someone else points out an item within arms reach that will do just fine. Why didn't I think of that? You muse as you mutter a word of thanks.
I wonder what the bystanders in the Temple were thinking as they witnessed Simeon and Anna point out the baby Messiah with those poignant, Spirit-led words? Mary and Joseph came in just as any other common couple would, carrying a newborn son to be circumcised according to the law and customs. They did not enter with any sort of pomp and circumstance. Simeon and Anna both interrupted the normalcy of the morning. Those performing the procedure would have taken note as well.
Everyone knew Anna, the prophetess. She’d been around forever. She may have loved babies, but she didn't go around the Temple declaring any boys could be the promised Redeemer. Simeon was merely "a man in Jerusalem" who had a reputation for being just and devout. I imagine there would have been many similar "good" men in Jerusalem at the time. But none of them showed up to greet and worship the Son of God.
"For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel." -Simeon, Luke 2:30-32
At this point in time, the affluent Wise Men have not yet arrived with their lavish and generous gifts to worship the Christ child. Hence, it is not surprising that Joseph and Mary "marveled" at those things that were spoken of him, only 8 days old. And yet, it is surprising, since they knew Who Jesus was. They must have been taken off guard by the impromptu nature of it all that day. The new parents may not have expected anyone to know of the infant they held in their arms. Yet there they were at the place in which God said He would dwell among them. Generations diligently studied the Old Testament law and prophecies from the texts the Jews so carefully preserved. Isaiah 7 & 9 state the fact. It was no secret that a woman would conceive without the help of a human man.
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given...”
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son...”
Here he is, right in front of your face.
The glory of Israel! The Light of the world!
As Christians, we celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas, albeit feebly, in comparison to the glory and praise due His name.
Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth receive her king. Let every heart prepare him room!
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