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This week was heavy. I'm glad we're at the tail end of it, all things considered, and moving forward. Without and within I've felt the weight, and I'm reminded how both this earth and our bodies groan, waiting for redemption from none other but the Redeemer himself.
"For we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be swallowed up of life." 2 Corinthians 5:4 (this verse takes some study if you are unfamiliar with terms like tabernacle, clothed, etc.)
Still, in Jesus, we have light and life. John 1:4
God is the One who comes and changes what was permanently dark and void of life. He did this in the beginning and he does it again and again. We see it when seasons change and in the evidence of God's grace.
While I've wondered what's holding Jesus back from returning for us, his beloved bride, I remain in awe of his powerful, unquenchable grace in my life and those around me. (My mind has a hard time comprehending his timetable.)
God is the equivalent of goodness, whether we see His handiwork written in large or smaller terms.
Just some thoughts. I've got to run to Costco before it gets too close to dinner prep time!
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